Looking For a Bible Reading Plan?

I’ve been able to read through the entire Bible every year using the Five Day Bible Reading Plan.

The mix of Old Testament and New Testament readings each day is the most enjoyable part of the plan for me. The chronological order is another plus.

You can download and print the reading plan, but I have the app linked to the ESV Study Bible app on my iPhone. With a touch, the app takes me to the passages for the day, and I use the supplied checklist to monitor my reading.

Almost there!

The weekends are “free” with this plan, giving you two days to dig deeper, catch up, focus on your church’s readings for Sunday, or do anything else that helps you grow in the knowledge of God through reading his Word.

Whichever Bible reading plan you choose, I hope you are successful this new year with your worthy goal.

Your word is a lamp to my feet 
and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105

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